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Archaeological Dig

Fibrostory part 4

Meet Fibromyallosaurus (pronounced Fibro My Al Lo Saw Russ)

Meet Fibromyallosaurus


Fibro My Al Lo Saw Russ)


ACR research criteria for Fibromyalgia becomes widely accepted as diagnostic criteria.  The 1990 ACR criteria was:

  • a history of chronic pain (that is, pain has lasted for at least 3 months despite treatment),

  • a history of widespread pain (that is, pain in all four quadrants of the body and along the axial-skeleton), and

  • pain in at least 11 of 18 specified tender points. [8]



In 1999 conducted one of its Thursday Activism Chats in the Fibromyalgia Foyer on the topic of International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. The cyber lecturer was Tom M. Hennessy, Jr., the founder, and President of RESCIND, Inc., and the originator of Fibromyalgia Awareness Day/month. [9]


The National Fibromyalgia Association (NFA) hosts its FAME (Fibromyalgia Awareness Means Everything) conference in Los Angeles, CA.



The Fibromyalgia Association Created for Education and Self-help (FACES, Inc.) co-hosted NFA’s FAME 2001 Chicago. 



 Dr. Muhammad B. Yunus formerly of the University of Illinois at Peoria, began discussing Fibromyalgia as Central Sensitization.  Dr. Yunus' studies demonstrated that the central nervous systems (spinal column, nerves, and brains) of people with Fibromyalgia are hypersensitive to stimuli. [10]

FACES hosted The Mid-western Fibromyalgia Patient Education Conference. [11]

Lyrica (pregabalin) is the first drug ever to receive FDA approval for the treatment of Fibromyalgia. [12]



After a series of devastating health issues suffered by its founder, FACES dissolved. [13]

Cymbalta (duloxetine hydrochloride) is approved by the FDA for Fibromyalgia treatment. [14]



Savella (milnacipran HCI) joins the Fibro treatment team. [15]



ACR adopts a new diagnostic criterion for Fibromyalgia.  To be diagnosed with Fibro a person must meet the following three criteria:


  • Has to have a Widespread Pain Index greater than or equal to 7 AND a symptom severity scale score greater than or equal to 5, or,

  • a Widespread Pain Index greater than or equal to 3 to 6 AND a symptom severity scale score greater than or equal to 9, and

  • Symptoms must have been present at the same level for at least 3 months. And

  • The person does not have any other condition that would explain the pain. [16]



A group of researchers modified the 2010 diagnostic criteria for Fibromyalgia for use in epidemiological or community studies.  These changes were not approved/validated for diagnosis in a physician’s office.  For the purpose of research, a person is considered to have Fibromyalgia if the following 4 criteria were met:


  • Must have a Widespread Index greater than or equal to 7 AND a symptom severity scale score greater than or equal to 5, or a Widespread Index greater than or equal to 3 to 6 AND a symptom severity scale score greater than or equal to 9, and

  • Symptoms must have been present at the same level for at least 3 months. And

  • Must have the following 6 self-reported symptoms:

    • Difficulty sleeping

    • Fatigue

    • Poor cognition

    • Headaches

    • Depression, and

    • Abdominal pain, and

  • The person does not have any other condition that would explain the pain. [17]



The Food and Drug Administration hosted a public meeting, “Fibromyalgia Public Meeting: Patient-Focused Drug Development” as it prepared to evaluate medication for the treatment of Fibromyalgia. [18]



ACR Fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria are modified again.


  • Must have a Widespread Index greater than or equal to 7 AND a symptom severity scale score greater than or equal to 5, or,

  • a Widespread Index greater than or equal to 3 to 6 AND a symptom severity scale score greater than or equal to 9, and

  • Symptoms must have been present at the same level for at least 3 months, and

  • Generalized pain which is defined as pain in at least 4 out of 5 regions is present.

  • The presence of other pain producing conditions does not inhibit the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. [19]



NFA celebrated 20 years of Fibromyalgia awareness and supporting research.


“The U.S. government continued its assault on opioids during 2017, prompting more physicians to stop prescribing the drugs for chronic pain. As a result, many patients have been left without the drugs they depend on for daily functioning.” [20]





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